I Am Speaking is a podcast focused on the lives of “othered” Americans. The goal of this podcast is to hear, share, and amplify the voices of Americans--both citizens and noncitizens-who have felt like outsiders in their homes. Hosted by first-generation Indian-American sisters, I Am Speaking highlights the unique experiences of people who feel or have been marginalized by the current US cultural hegemony in their communities.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Series of Birthday Surprises w/ Ms. Emily Bleeker
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Emily Bleeker is the best-selling author of six novels. Combined, her books have reached over 1.5 million readers. She is a two-time Whitney Award finalist, a Wall Street Journal bestseller, Amazon charts bestseller and was recently listed as one of the top 100 Kindle authors “of all time.”
That is about what she’s accomplished, but she’s so much more than her resume. She and Kosha are best friends from esrly high school. She’s a dedicated mother of 4, a cancer survivor, an educator. She’s hilarious, brilliant and talented. And we got to talk to her about all of those things PLUS funny confusing cookie fortunes, her math skills and how her books were named. You won’t want to miss this episode.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Series of Birthday Surprises w/ Dr. Beth Guerra
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
What does over 30 years of friendship sound like? Get ready to find out.
In our first installment of Shailushi’s Birthday Surprise Series, we welcome Beth Guerra to the Speaker’s Chair. Shailushi and Beth met when they were 15. They have been through high highs and low lows in their lives - graduate schools, cross country moves, marriage, kids, sickness, death, and rebirth - always knowing they are there for each other.
Dr. Beth Guerra is a veterinarian, and a damn good one. She shares insights into the vet med field, where things are and what she feels needs to change (first on the list, please be nice to the office staff). She and her “platonic life partner” have created and launched the first urgent care vet clinic to open in Seattle. The story is inspiring.
Moreover, Beth herself is inspiring. At 44, she found herself widowed, burned out, and unsure of where her life should go. With smarts, tenacity and drive, she found how to rise from the ashes. Some might say, like a Phoenix (and we did).
If our conversation with Beth Guerra is any indication of how the Surprise Birthday Series will go, this month will be a smashing success. And you might just be inspired.

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
We Are Recapping (Season 3)
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
A day late but never a dollar short!
We have been doing some Spring Break travel with their families, but never fear, we do have an episode this week!
You lovable cohosts wind down Season 3: Bucking Gender Norms with a recap, some funny memories and some poignant moments from the season.
We have something fun and different for April (an A-Term, per se). Listen in for details. And then season 4 will start up in May.
As always, THANK YOU to our listeners and our guests. We are loving this journey for us (shout out to Annie Murphy!) and we could not do any of this without the guests who bare their hearts and our listeners who move our stories forward.
If you are touched by anything we are doing here at the I Am Speaking podcast, please tell a friend, have them listen to an episode or two. The best way to be part of our mission is to speak up, or help someone else speak up, or ask for help to speak up. The more people stand up and say "I am speaking!" the more diverse and interesting and enjoyable the world will be.
Onward and upward, friends.
Kosha and Shailushi

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
We Are Speaking with Sharmili Majmudar
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Our first experience with having a guest at the Speaker’s Podium fit perfectly within the current theme of the season, and be an Expert guest!
Sharmili Majmudar is a good friend of Shailushi, a brilliant mind, and a steadfast advocate for equitable and fair rights
Sharmili Majmudar oversees Women Employed’s development and implementation of strategic policy and systems change priorities advancing economic justice for women. She heads the organization’s advocacy efforts for the voluntary implementation of aspects of good quality jobs so employees can achieve economic stability, developing and leading WE’s collaborations with employers. In partnership with employers seeking to advance gender equity, she also advocates for best practices on sexual harassment, equal pay, and other issues of gender bias that create barriers for women in the workplace.
If you are anything like us, you’ll fall in love with Sharmili, and get fired up about her mission with Women Employed.
To learn more or to get involved, visit womenemployed.org.

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
We Are Speaking w/ Dr.Darshan Mehta
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
This man’s CV reads pretty impressive:
Dr. Darshan Mehta is Medical Director and Director of Medical Education for the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (BHI-MGH) and Director of Education at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (OCIM).
Dr. Mehta received his BA in Biology from Illinois Wesleyan University and an MD from University of Texas-Southwestern Medical School. He completed his residency in internal medicine at University of Illinois-Chicago Hospital. In 2008, he completed a clinical research fellowship in complementary and integrative medicine at the Harvard Medical School Osher Research Center, during which he received a Master of Public Health degree from the Harvard School of Public Health
What you wouldn’t get from his CV is his humanity. His passion. His craving to learn. And his connection with others. Those things you can only glean from Darshan by listening to him. And that is exactly what we encourage you to do. With all his hats - 5 professional hats, and also those of brother, son, friend, and father — Darshan leads a full life. But it’s what he strives for — gratitude, resilient, wellbeing and interconnection — within himself and with those around him that makes him rise above.
We are grateful and filled with love to have him as a guest. You will be grateful and filled with even more questions (the good kind. The questions that make you want to know more about how we work) after you listen to Dr Darshan Mehta Is Speaking.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Deputy Anmole Kaur Is Speaking
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
We love seeing a young, fierce, badass woman with a badge! Anmole Kaur, nickname Anu (no relation to Batsy) is a Deputy in the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office. Her story is inspirational and you can feel how much she’s made for this career as she speaks.
Anu’s interest in becoming a police officer started in high school and never faltered, and she had some resistance along the way. She refused to cry in front of anyone during Academy training (in her driveway didn’t count) and always pushed herself to complete her task (even running the hills).
So often we hear about the drawbacks of being a woman in a male-dominated industry. But here, we hear Anu speak of how being a woman deputy during jail assignment can work to the entire team’s advantage at times.
And that is the word that comes back around during the episode: TEAM. It sounds like Anu has a fantastic team on her side and her team is lucky to have her as a member. Anu, thank you for joining us at the Speaker’s Podium today. You were extraordinary.
Also, thank you for your service.

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Kevin Shelton Jr. Is Speaking
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Kevin Shelton Jr. Is Speaking.
What an amazing guest. Kevin and Kosha work at the same company. Kevin shares his experiences working in corporate America while continuing a high level of activism, which sometimes can be frustrating. But when he’s working on “changing hearts,” it also can be fulfilling.
Our time with Kevin was fascinating and inspiring. He promised to come back and we are going to hold him to it. He was a joy to listen to, and we think you’ll feel the same way.

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Chris Connelly Is Speaking
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Rockstar-turned-preschool teacher joins us in the Speaker’s Chair this week to discuss his adventures in molding the minds of 3-4 year olds.
We had some preconceived notions of what it might be like to be a male daycare teacher, but Chris gave us the real scoop of what it’s like, what he loves about being led by a strong team of women, and how gender does (and doesn’t) play a part in his job.
Whatever you thought life in a classroom full of 3-4 year olds might be, we are certain you’ll learn something new from Chris (also if you are looking to adopt a kangaroo!). We had such an awesome time with Chris, and we can see why he’s so good at his job. We think you’ll see it too.

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Leigh Steffy Is Speaking
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
We love interviewing our friends! We get to spend time learning about them and understanding a little more what makes them tick. This week in the Speaker’s Chair is Leigh Steffy, one of Shailushi’s closest friends.
Leigh life never has been split into blue and pink roles. She and her brother went fishing together with their dad, and then went to the theater with their mom. She loves using power tools and she loves cooking. As she’s grown up and started a family of her own, she and her husband have navigated their responsibilities not through what they *should* do, but rather what they *want* to do or what makes the most sense for their family.
This conversation is insightful, it is intriguing and it is hilarious. Leigh is a fantastic storyteller, and the stories she is telling deserve to be heard.

Friday Feb 04, 2022
We Are Speaking w/ Dr. Javier Gomez
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Dr. Javier Gomez is a cardiologist at John H. Stroger Hospital, also known as Cook County Hospital. He immigrated to the US from Colombia to train and specialize, and then he stayed. His story of how he came to Cook County Hospital is fascinating. The reasons why he stays are inspiring.
Javier has an undeniable charm. He’s warm and funny, but he’s also sharp and deeply passionate about treating his patients. He takes time to understand his patients as people, not just symptoms, and he teaches fellows and residents to see them accordingly as well.
Our conversation with Javier was like a warm blanket. We felt safe and taken care of, exactly how you’d want to feel when you are in the hospital. Dr. Gomez’s patients are lucky to have him at the helm of their care.
Enjoy our latest installment of I Am Speaking w/ Expert Voices: Dr. Javier Gomez.